Monday, March 24, 2008

Saving Money For HOme Through Saving Electricity

To fight high energy bills, I use a multiple prong approach throughout my house. Since any one of these methods can offer energy savings, I prefer to combine and use them as much as possible to maximize my savings. The following is my list of energy saving tips, in order from easiest to implement to most difficult.

1) Use Fluorescent Light Bulbs

While fluorescent bulbs cost more than incandescent bulbs initially, they last a lot longer and use a lot less electricity, so the savings overall are considerable. I had a light fixture that used four 60 watt bulbs. I was able to switch to using four 15 watt fluorescent bulbs that produce the same light as the 60 watt ones. In other words, I went from burning 240 watts down to 60! And that is just one fixture in my house! I replaced all my light bulbs last year and so far haven't had to replace a burned fluorescent bulb!

2) Use Cold Water Laundry Detergent

Several laundry detergent brands now offer a "Cold Water" version. I use this so I can wash all of my clothes without using the hot water. This has dropped my gas bill drastically: almost 50% for some months!

3) Change AC Air Filter

I replace my home air conditioner's air filter regularly since it is a great way to keep the AC from working too long and burning up more electricity. I prefer to use what is known as "pleated" air filters over the traditional spun glass variety, as the pleated filters last longer. Again, the pleated filters cost more, but I feel like the overall benefits are worth it. Besides, I'd rather not worry if particles from a spun glass filter are getting pulled in through my AC system and into my lungs.

4) Seal doors and windows

I once found a sizable gap by one door that was releasing cool air from my house at a considerable rate. Leaving something like this unchecked would be a sure way to keep the AC running more than it needs to. Weather strips are not very expensive, and using them to seal off any leaks is a great way to help the AC work less.

5) AC at 75 degrees

Ahh, the timeless Battle of the Thermostat! I admit as you probably would that there is a temptation to keep the thermostat around the 72 degree range. I suggest gradually upping it to just 75 degrees to again keep the AC happy...or happier.

6) Add ice to the freezer

I keep extra bags of ice in my freezer so the temperature stays cold longer and the freezer doesn't need to work as hard. I've even placed reused empty gallon bottles of drinking water in my freezer, once I refilled them with tap water. That large quantity of ice helps keep the freezer colder longer, and essentially reduces the amount of time the freezer needs to run and reduces the amount of electricity used.

7) Add energy efficient windows to your house

Double paned windows filled with a gas like krypton or something similar have proven to be a great barrier to heat and consequently a great tool for reducing your need for electricity to cool your home. Of course, the initial expense for these windows is high, but the cost savings over time will be well worth the investment.

While your energy bills will tend to be higher during warmer months, that doesn't mean you can't reduce the amount of your bill by taking some proactive measures. You'll reap the rewards of lower energy bills over time by taking some actions like those described here. Good luck!

Money Saving Through Credit Card Debt Control

Most of my readers love this one. One VERY easy way to save money is by making a phone call. To whom? You may ask. How about your credit card company, your cable company, your cell phone provider and even your utilities.

Credit card debt is one of the biggest factors in personal finance. Washington D.C. basically approved a bill written by Citi, Bank of America, WaMu and many other large bank and loan companies. The interest rate they can charge you is astronomical, and they can do this legally. All with fine print! But the power of the consumer still does exist. The competition among the banks is especially big with the current economy; they are losing billions and looking to foreign sources for income. Great for our economy and national security right? How do we take advantage of this competition? With a phone call! I have saved with a simple phrase, and that phrase is "okay then, I would like to transfer my balance and cancel my account" They do not like to hear that, you will have to trust me on this one. If you say you want a lower interest rate, a special deal on a balance transfer, and they say no, use my phrase! I can almost guarantee, they will put you on hold, "talk to their manager" and offer you a better deal. If they still refuse, go ahead and cancel and use the wonderful source that is the Internet to find a better deal. They are out there.

Wait; there is news that is just as terrific. Are you in an area that is eligible for cable, TV via the phone lines i.e. Verizon Fios, or satellite? Which ever one you have, the other one wants you. I have known more than a few people who have saved HUNDREDS of dollars per year, by saying they want to cancel their current service because they are switching. They WILL offer you a better deal than what you currently have. But do take note; you may have to sign on for an extended contract. The same reasoning works with your cell phone provider, and with number portability out there, feel free to switch as long as your service remains the same. In most rural areas throughout the country, the major provider's service is pretty equal.

You can not negotiate with your utilities for the most part, but to make budgeting a lot easier, most of them offer a budget plan. Use it, and it will make your monthly budgeting all the more simple.

I did not use numbers here to prove my point, that is nearly impossible with the variances is interest rates and service costs. If you like, use a simple number like $1000 and calculate monthly payments with different interest rates with a calculator available on the Internet. The savings could be hundreds or even thousands. So do me a favor, make that call.`